
Film i Väst Analysis is a unit within Film i Väst. The unit works with external analysis, business analysis and strategic development in the film and audiovisual industry. Film i Väst Analysis produces forecasts and scenarios for future developments primarily in the medium term.

Film i Väst Analysis has a special focus on public film funding – the concept of film funding includes all expressions and formats that work with storytelling on a cinematographic basis. Film i Väst Analysis also prioritizes studies that can provide valuable insights to the producing part of the industry.

Film i Väst works with a network of experts who together can give a comprehensive picture of developments in Europe.

The unit’s work is led by Tomas Eskilsson, Head of Film i Väst Analysis.

Tomas Eskilsson, Head of Film i Väst Analysis

Tomas Eskilsson, Head of Film i Väst Analysis