During the film festival in Venice, Tomas Eskilsson from Film i Väst Analysis introduced the second part of the unique, pan-European study Public Film Funding at a Crossroads: All that is solid melts into air. It is a research project in three parts that explores and discusses the future purpose and relevance of film and audiovisual funding. Now eleven separate country reports, analyzing the situation for European film have been published. All reports here.

In the country reports scholars and consultants from the European film sector analyse the position of the cinemas against the streaming giants and the national films compared to the wave of international premieres. What is the position and relevance of national and regional film funds in relation to Netflix & Co? And the future of the production companies – independent or a part of big pan-national companies? These are among the questions discussed.

All published country reports:

Plus the four appendices:

  • Appendix 1 Topics for the interviews
  • Appendix 2 Survey to filmagencies
  • Appendix 3 Status of Article 13´s transformation across Europe
  • Appendix 4 Presentation of the experts

About Film i Väst Analysis
Film i Väst Analysis is a unit within Film i Väst. The unit works with external analysis, business analysis and strategic development in the film and audiovisual industry. Film i Väst Analysis produces forecasts and scenarios for future developments primarily in the medium term. Film i Väst Analysis has a special focus on public film funding – the concept of film funding includes all expressions and formats that work with storytelling on a cinematographic basis. Concept of film funding includes all expressions and formats that work with storytelling on a cinematographic basis.

Published reports from Film i Väst Analysis

Other Reports